MUTUUS project concluding conference
On 28 March 2023, a delegation of eight representatives of MPFA attended the concluding conference of the EU-funded project Mutuus, which concerned social protection schemes for self-employed professionals. MFPA partnered with Confprofessioni, the Italian Federation of Professional Associations, which was the leader on this two-year long project. This conference was held at the European Parliament in Brussels and the MFPA delegation included members of the Executive Committee as well as representatives from some member organisations:
Mr Ben Rizzo – President
Mr James Licari – Vice-President Membership
Ing Saviour Baldacchino – Vice-President Administration
Mr Demis Cachia – Treasurer
Ms Maryanne Ciappara – Kamra tal-Ispiżjara ta’ Malta
Dr David Muscat – Dental Association of Malta
Dr Jacob Vella- The Medical association of Malta
Ms Marcelle Abela – General Secretary MFPA
MFPA’s role throughout the project included the organisation of a national seminar which was held on 23 June 2022.