MFPA supports MAM and Kamra tal-Ispizjara ta’ Malta
The Malta Federation of Professional Associations (MFPA) has voiced its concern on many occasions in the past months about Government undermining the professional advice given by health experts, in view of the reopening of the airport as well as the lifting of bans on mass events. MFPA has also expressed concern about the mixed messages that the Government has been passing to the general public, which are causing anxiety and confusion especially amongst vulnerable people. The numbers of Covid-19 cases have increased consistently to alarming levels since the mass events have taken place. In a recent statement, last week, MFPA joined several organisations in their appeal to the authorities to cancel mass events.
The Federation supports the statements issued by its members, the Medical Association of Malta and the Kamra tal-Ispizjara ta’ Malta and events planned by its member organisations have all been cancelled. MFPA also believes that the Government should take immediate measures to bring the number of Covid-19 cases under control before vulnerable people become infected. It also agrees that the Government should do whatever is in its power to take control of the pandemic, before Malta becomes black-listed as a tourist destination as a result of the increased number of positive cases. Despite the drive to enhance economic activity the rise of positive cases could have long term effects on this same economy whilst also infecting our health work force, which is the workforce pillar that is containing this outbreak.
The outbreak earlier this year showed we have excellent standards within the Superintendence of Public Health (SPH) which, when it was in control, came very close to getting rid of the virus on the island. MFPA is of the strong opinion that the SPH should continue being the leader in any decisions that are taken and not be side-lined by others with no expertise on health and the novel virus infections. This model worked out during the first wave also because the actions of SPH are supported by law and through official legal notices.
The situation is deteriorating too quickly. We have seen a sudden increase in the R-factor, putting at risk both national health and the economy. MFPA, which represents more than 10,000 professionals in Malta, reiterates the messages it has put across in the past months. It appeals to the government to consult with health professionals and base its decisions on research-based evidence, as well as on the sudden increase of active cases. MFPA appeals to the authorities to cancel all mass events until the pandemic situation is once again under control.
This statement is endorsed by member organisations of MFPA: Association of Podiatrists of Malta, Association of Speech-Language Pathologists, Chamber of Engineers, Dental Association of Malta, Kamra tal-Periti, Malta Association for the Counselling Profession, Medical Association of Malta, Malta Association of Occupational Therapists, Malta Association of Physiotherapists, Malta Association of Professional Conservators and Restorers, Maltese Association of Social Workers, Maltese Association of Youth Workers, Malta Chamber of Pharmacists, Malta Chamber of Psychologists, Malta Institute of Accountants, Malta Veterinary Association and Society of Medical Radiographers.
6 August 2020