MFPA participates at CEPLIS’ GA

CEPLIS, the European Council of Liberal Professions held its General Assembly on 7 June 2023 at the European Parliament. Apart from GA proceedings and reporting, representatives of the member organisations had the opportunity to share concerns and developments about professions in their respective countries. CEPLIS President Dr Gaetano Stella, highlighted that competences within the different professions need to be updated. He added that initial training programmes need to reflect these competences. The GA was concluded with two presentations. Dr Cathy Fitzgerald presented about a Centre of Excellence for CPD in Ireland outlined the importance of CPD for professionals and how their Centre is working to improve it. Founder and CEO of NOVA, Michaela Jamelska, spoke as human rights advocate with specific focus on technology and human rights. She emphasised how AI can facilitate and improve life but at the same time we cannot ignore human rights. She is also a Human Rights Advocate Board Advisor at the Global Women Hub

About Us

The Malta Federation of Professional Associations (MFPA) was set up in 1971 by seven founding organisations. Throughout the years, the professional population in Malta increased. Today MFPA comprises 17 professional organisations as full members and other three organisations with partial membership, representing no less than 10,000 professionals in Malta.