Malta Veterinary Association (MVA)
MVA represents veterinarians working in all fields, mainly Small and Large animal practitioners, but also veterinarians in the state sector. The veterinary profession spreads over a wide field, promoting the health and welfare of animals, as well as public health, where issues like food hygiene and zoonosis are concerned.
MVA is a non-profit body with the following aims and objectives:
- To promote and support all initiatives dealing with animal welfare issues in Malta and Gozo;
- To offer an active advisory role when authorities are formulating animal-centric policy;
- To uphold the honour and integrity of the Veterinary Profession in Malta and Gozo;
- To promote and protect the interests of the Veterinary Profession in Malta and Gozo;
- To maintain and improve the conditions under which the profession is practised;
- To protect the rights of the Veterinary Profession in Malta and Gozo;
- To provide for the dissemination of advances in professional knowledge;
- To maintain good, ethical working relationships between members of the profession;
- To establish relations with outside persons and bodies;
- To take any appropriate measures to fulfill the above aims and objectives.
To promote the continuous upgrading of the skills of members in private practice, MVA organizes regular courses and seminars at which foreign and local experts share their experiences, both theoretical and practical, with members.
MVA established way back in 1999, and coordinates. the 24-Hour Small Animal Emergency Service, an emergency service catered for companion animals, notably dogs and cats, available 24 hours a day and seven days a week, The contact number for the service is 5250200, and the cost of each telephone call is 5 Euros (including VAT).
MVA also runs the Malta Pet Net Database for the registration of microchipped pet animals.